Strategies for Change
- Go For Green - Gardening For Life: Gardening for Life is a national Go for Green program that supports the idea of natural gardening including careful use of water, tree planting for home energy efficiency, and avoiding the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. Read the March 2002 Report: Forum for Public Education Strategies to Encourage Gardening for Life (in pdf format). (Canada)
- Tools of Change - Proven Methods for Promoting Health, Safety and Environmental Citizenship: Welcome to Tools of Change! This Web site, founded on the principles of community-based social marketing, offers specific tools, case studies, and a planning guide for helping people take actions and adopt habits that promote health and/or are more environmentally-friendly. This Web site will help you include in your programs the best practices of many other programs - practices that have already been successful in changing people's behaviour. (Canada)
Another tool you may want to look at -
Hodges' Health Career - Care Domains - Model [h2cm]
- can help map issues, problems and
solutions. The model takes a situated and multi-contextual view across four knowledge domains:
* Interpersonal;
* Sociological;
* Empirical;
* Political.
Four unique links pages cover each care (knowledge) domain e.g. Political:
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