

  1. In Memoriam - Jane Jacobs: Published at Space and Culture [includes a lovely picture of Jane] (Blog)
  2. Dark Age Ahead: Globe and Mail book review of Jane Jacobs' last book, 'Dark Age Ahead', published in 2004. (Book)



Click here to listen to a Planetary Voices broadcast of an interview with Donnachadh McCarthy...
Ever one to walk his talk, Donnachadh has spent the last few years greening his own house and lifestyle, including installing the first domestic inner city wind turbine. Here he gives us a guided tour of the changes he’s made to his home in south east London.
Planetary Voices: Green Radio audio site featuring environmental issues, human rights, peace work and life affirming interviews. (Global)



Urban Forestry Conference: Managing Urban Green for Sustainable Cities

6-8 June 2006
Crown Princess Hotel
Kuala Lumpur

Organized by: Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM)

For more information: Conference Brochure

Urban Forestry

  1. TreeLink: Urban Forestry is the informal abbreviation for Urban and Community Forestry. When you think of a city, you probably don't automatically think of trees. Isn't a city a collection of buildings, pavement, and parking lots? Yes, but cities are also built with trees and open spaces. In fact, trees are a vital contributor to the health and wealth of any urban landscape. The emerging science and work of urban forestry is an exciting and growing phenomena that integrates the built environment with the natural environment. Our goal is to place trees and urban forestry on the sustainability agenda, sometimes referred to as smart growth, new urbanism, and green infrastructure or low impact development. (USA)
  2. Human Dimensions of Urban Forestry and Urban Greening: [This site] features research on peoples' perceptions and behaviors regarding nature in cities. (Global)
  3. SA Urban Forest Biodiversity Program: The UFBP provides technical advice and support to assist the implementation of regional biodiversity priorities. It aims to foster increased participation in local projects by the wider community. The program works closely with Councils to promote communication and consultation on local native vegetation and habitat conservation issues. (Australia)
  4. Food and Trees for Africa: In 1990 a group of concerned individuals, representing the major greening organisations in South Africa, came together with the realisation that the real environmental crisis in this country centred on people and uplifting quality of life. They recognized that a simple way of achieving this was through the greening of these unhealthy, denuded and degraded landscapes. This was the birth of Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA), the first (and still only) national non-government, non-profit, greening organisation in South Africa. (South Africa)
  5. Tree Canada: Tree Canada is a charitable organization which partners with local volunteers to improve our quality of life by planting and caring for trees. In your neighbourhhoods, schoolyards, parks and in the countryside, Tree Canada leaves a living, breathing legacy for generations to come. (Canada)
  6. Groundwork Thames Valley: Mission Statement: To build sustainable communities through joint environmental action. Our projects engage local people and motivate them to improve the quality of their life by using and improving the local environment. (UK)



Post Petroleum Action Committee
Local Sustainability Discussion

Oakville Public Library
120 Navy Street, Oakville,
Ontario, Canada

Saturday, March 22nd
2:00 - 4:00 pm

The Post Petroleum Action Committee would like to invite you to a meeting this Saturday (Earth Day) at the Oakville Public Library, 120 Navy Street. The meeting will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. in the auditorium.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss how to move our community towards sustainability and flesh out what specific actions could be taken, in the short term, medium term and long term, by groups of local citizens, to get us there.

Eventually the PPAC wants to sponsor and support various citizens’ committees working towards specific sustainability projects for our community. If you are new to the Peak Oil issue, we are happy to answer your questions and arrange a screening of The End of Suburbia: Energy Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream, a Canadian-made documentary that serves as a primer on Peak Oil. If you are well-versed on Peak Oil, PPAC wants to help you meet other local people who share your concerns and who are interested in taking action on the issue in our community.

The meeting we’ve planned will be fun, engaging and a good start to action. We hope you can join us for a few hours on Saturday. A quick email letting us know you will be attending would be appreciated but it is not necessary. We just want to make sure we have enough brain-fueling goodies on hand for everyone.

If we don't see you, we will continue to keep you informed on upcoming PPAC events. Thank you for your interest in this critical issue. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Liz Benneian
On behalf of PPAC
For more information, visit our website.


"If you love your planet..."
"If you love your children..."
"You have to see this film."

To view trailer, click here.

For more information, click here.


Wikia Communities

  1. Sustainable Community Action: This site is for anyone interested in local sustainability, particularly community-run action. "A dynamic process which enables all people to realise their potential and improve their quality of life in ways which simultaneously protect and enhance the Earth's life support systems." (Global)
  2. Renewable Energy Design: Participants of the Renewable Energy Design Wikicity can collaborate on the detailed engineering design of new or improved methods of capturing energy from renewable sources. This wiki is not intended to produce a codification of existing knowledge. It is a collaborative worksite for solving the global warming peak oil energy crisis problem. (Global)

[Specifically, Wikia enables groups to share [on the internet] information, news, stories, media and opinions that fall outside the scope of an encyclopedia. Jimmy Wales and Angela Beesley launched Wikia in 2004 to provide community-based wikis inspired by the model of Wikipedia--the free, open source encyclopedia founded by Jimmy Wales and operated by the Wikimedia Foundation, where Wales and Beesley serve as board members.

Wikia is committed to openness, inviting anyone to contribute web content. Authors retain their own copyrights, but allow others to freely reuse their content under the GNU Free Documentation License, allowing widespread distribution of knowledge and ideas. - ed.]


Sustainable Technologies: Education and Demonstration Centres

  1. Falls Brook Centre: At Falls Brook Centre [a community education and demonstration centre in rural New Brunswick, Canada] we strive to put our values into practice. Through the development and promotion of meaningful demonstrations, we hope to show it is possible to live more lightly in our environment while contributing positively to the local economy. We work on a range of successful regional and international programs that support local communities and organizations to adapt to a sustainable future. (Canada)
  2. The Arcosanti Project - An Urban Laboratory: In 1970, the Cosanti Foundation began building Arcosanti, an experimental town in the high desert of Arizona, 70 miles north of metropolitan Phoenix. When complete, Arcosanti will house 5000 people, demonstrating ways to improve urban conditions and lessen our destructive impact on the earth. Its large, compact structures and large-scale solar greenhouses will occupy only 25 acres of a 4060 acre land preserve, keeping the natural countryside in close proximity to urban dwellers... Arcosanti is an educational process. The five week workshop program teaches building techniques and arcological philosophy, while continuing the city's construction. Volunteers and students come from around the world. Many are design students, and some receive university credit for the workshop. But a design or architecture background is not necessary. People of many varied interests and backgrounds are all contributing their valuable time and skills to the project. Week-long silt sculpture workshops and Elderhostel programs offer other ways to be involved. At the present stage of construction, Arcosanti consists of various mixed-use buildings and public spaces constructed by 5000 past Workshop participants. (USA)
  3. Utne Institute (newly forming): Utne Institute is an educational foundation devoted to promoting opportunities for community building, informing people of fresh ideas and solutions to contemporary challenges and amplifying independent voices in the media. (USA)
  4. Everdale Organic Farm and Environmental Learning Centre: The Everdale classroom is a fifty-acre property. It encompasses a working organic farm, a model home, classroom, forests and meadows. It boasts demonstration models of operating, sustainable technologies. The teachers are specialists in the areas of straw bale construction, solar and wind systems, farming, and eco-landscaping. (Canada)


Video: Drawing the Line

Drawing the Line, a video presentation of Treasure America, explores the feasibility of drilling for oil in Alaska as a temporary solution to peak oil. Interesting and educational. (USA)


Community Building: Singing

  1. Denis Donnelly - Community Choir Leadership Training: Imagine … a world where every city, town, and neighborhood had a community choir, one where the music of many cultures and faiths was celebrated. Imagine … a non-auditioned choir in your community where all were welcome. Imagine … that this choir could support and engage in powerful community-based activities. Traditional cultures have always known that group singing has a power unlike any other to bind people together. There is an ancient African concept, ubuntu, which speaks of our interconnectedness and interdependence. It means “I am because we are.” What defines us as individuals is achieved through our relationship with others. Nowhere is this more evident than in a choir — a great place to learn and practice ubuntu spirit.... In today’s North American society, music has become largely commercially oriented toward performance by the few for the many. The deeper promise of music for all has been forgotten. Many people who loved singing as children haven’t sung since. Others were designated “non-singers” by thoughtless adults, and have carried this musical wounding all their lives. We believe singing is everybody’s birthright, and holds a key for the healing of the world. For leaders who want to bring together communities of singers both confident and new, those who were wounded and those who haven’t yet found a home for their singing, the Community Choir Leadership Training Program will provide the tools for creating and maintaining a thriving vocal community.... While community choirs like this have become quite common in the UK, they are still relatively new to North America. People here are yearning to sing together.... (Canada)
  2. The Village Square: The Village Square is a unique celebration of Community Singing Traditions from around the world, including Sharpenote (Sacred Harp), Shaker tunes, South African choruses, Balkan and Georgian styles. Favourites Old and New. "We gather to sing together, for pleasure... without the anxieties of public performance," explains Alan Gasser, one of the project's leaders. Public performances are not the objective of this new Toronto-based gathering, which is open to anyone who likes to sing. The group meets to sing "with" and "for" each other, and warmly welcomes new singers. (Canada)
  3. The Mid-Winter Singing Festival: Did your family sing while doing the dishes? Do you sing on long car trips? This festival is for you. Even if your voice isn't as good as you want it to be, that doesn't matter. This weekend is for people who love to sing. This weekend will spread a little warmth on two chilly, winter days. For monthly community sings, click here. (USA)
  4. Natural Voice - Practitioners Network: We believe that singing is everyone's birthright and we are committed to teaching styles that are accepting and inclusive of all, regardless of musical experience and ability. (UK)
  5. Shivon Robinsong - Building Community Through Vocal Harmony: Anyone can sing! And singing together in harmony is a vital source of energy and connection, accessible to everyone. (Canada)



Halton Eco Festival
April 1-2, 2006
Glen Abbey Community Centre
Oakville, Ontario, Canada

The two-day event on Saturday-Sunday, April 1-2, 2006 is supported by 11 sponsors. There will be 85 exhibitors including 28 new ones.

In addition, this year’s Halton Eco Festival will feature a children’s eco-fun area, 16 eco-educational workshops, healthy food at our eco café located in the gym, a chance to play a new game we have created called “Eco-Jeopardy”, a silent auction, “The Funky Mamas” from Guelph singing environmental songs for kids on Saturday morning, eco-alternative health care practitioners, the “Buddha Buddha hemp fashion show” on Saturday afternoon, and lots of inspiring eco-action campaigns.

The Saskatchewan farmer Percy Schmeiser, Saturday’s keynote speaker in the gym, talks about food safety. Sunday’s keynote features five great speakers discussing energy efficiency in the home and workplace and is hosted by Energy Action Halton.

For more information visit here.